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Birth Name: Samuel Braxton
Wrestling Name: Sam Braxton
Picture Base: Shane Haste/Shane Thorne
Date of Birth: March 19, 1992 (25)
Height: 173cm (5ft 8)
Weight: 92kg (202lb)
Place of Birth: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Character Disposition: Spiteful/Arrogant Heel

Brief Character Overview: Formerly part of renowned Stable that originated in Australia and travelled the world. Disillusioned by the way the American Industry overshadows the rest of the world, considering they feel the industry is stale and uninspired in the States.
The team has reunited (albeit without the third member) to prove the Americans that there is a better alternative.
Of the two, Sam is more impulsive, quick to anger and isn't as interested as his partner in a fair fight or the honour of the match. Will do anything to win.

Theme Music: The Butterfly Effect - A Slow Descent
Entrance: The music hits and Sam Braxton slides onto the stage. He looks around the arena quickly before jumping to his feet and running down to ringside, swiftly climbing onto the apron and leaping over the ring ropes into the ring. He ascends a nearby turnbuckle, raising his hands in front of his face, fingers interlocked, before back flipping back down to the ring.

Tendency to Cheat:
- [x] Sometimes

Motivation to Compete:
- [x] Passion; they love wrestling and don't care about winning or losing, just fighting.
- [x] Glory; they are obsessed with winning and will stop at nothing to avoid defeat.
- [x] Punishment; they fight as a way to unleash their frustrations. They just want to hurt people.
- [x] Platform; they want fame and believe using fighting as a stepping stone is the way to go.

Favourite Weapon: Anything that can be incorporated into their move set (Dropkicks into chairs etc)

Finishing Moves
1. Brax-Breaker (CK3/Cut-Throat Double Knee Backbreaker)
2. The Falling Star (Shooting Star Leg Drop)

Trademark Moves
1. Wizard of Aus (Shining/Running Enzuigiri)
2. Moonsault
3. Tornado DDT, able to hit from practically any situation
4. Double Knee Backbreaker

Common Moves
1. Cyclo-Rana (Hurricanrana/Frankensteiner variations) – Australia doesn’t have Hurricanes, they have Cyclones
2. Various Kicks/Strikes
-Dropkick and variations
-Roundhouse/Discus Roundhouse to a kneeling or seated opponent
-Spin Heel Kick
-Repeated Shoot Kicks to the chest of a kneeling opponent followed by a roundhouse or discus roundhouse kick
-Jumping Forearm Smash, diving, suicide dive and springboard variations
-Shoot kick to the chest, often preceded by a rolling snapmare
3. Various Suplexes
-Vertical, sometimes with floatover pin
-Norther Lights
-Belly to Back
4. Various Dives/Springboard/Slingshot
-Leg Drop
-Tope Con Hilo
-Suicide Dive
5. Tilt-a-Whirl into Headscissors/DDT/Russian Legsweep
6. Jumping Neckbreaker

In-Ring Strengths: Sam has a strong martial arts background, able to hit very hard and very fast with various strikes. He is also agile and quick, often able to overcome opponents with attacks that come from any angle.
Sam is also a dare-devil, unafraid of big risk/high-reward moves and will improvise to his surroundings. Often acts on impulse and instinct.

Sam won’t back down from a challenge.

Close to the entirety of Sam’s career has been as part of a team, thus he is well versed and experienced in working in conjunction with Dean. They work in perfect harmony together and never miss a beat or a cue. It is near impossible for an outsider to turn the two against each other.

In-Ring Flaws: What Sam boasts in speed, athleticism and agility he lacks in size, strength and raw power. If his strikes and high-flying prove ineffective or disadvantageous he has little else to call upon.

Sam’s impulsiveness and stubborn streak can put him into difficult and dangerous situations. Even in matches. This also makes him somewhat susceptible to mind-games and psychology.

Sam is not as experienced or as well versed in single matches, more accustomed to a partner taking some of the offense and sharing the burden of the match. He tires somewhat quicker in singles matches, more so than his partner Dean.

Biography: Pending

CWF - Championship Wrestling Federation, an e-fed proudly created by Justin Rishel.

Website created by Johnathan Rishel, with help from

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