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Wrestler Name: MJ Flair

Alias/Nicknames: The Second Coming, 2C, MJF,

Gimmick: Second generation 'queen of extreme.'

Wrestling Style: Technically skilled brawler

Billed From: Bronx, NY

Photobase: None - can upload an image on request.

Alignment: Face, with occasional heel tendencies

D.O.B: January 22

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140 lbs


1) Whip into the corner, followed by a clothesline
2) Spinebuster
3) Tornado DDT
4) Flying Head Scissors
5) Stun Gun
6) Drop Toe Hold (onto a chair if applicable)
7) Hard clothesline
8) Kickboxing strikes and kicks
9) Missile Dropkick
10) Delayed bodyslam

*Size difference between her and her opponent should be taken into account

Signature moves:

1) On her knees after a previous attack, low blow followed by a DDT
2) When opponent is behind her, back elbow followed by a spin and a clothesline
3) Van Terminator (rare)

Finishing Moves:

1/2) The Morning Star

Description - It's a combination reverse DDT/dragon sleeper. She hooks her opponent behind the head and drops down to one knee, pulling her opponent back and hoping for the submission. Should she not get it, or if she feels like being more vicious, she drops down with the reverse DDT but holds onto the head and gets back up on her knee. She will drop her opponent continually until she either gets a pin or a submission.

Biography: MJ was born Mariella Jade Flurstein, the only daughter of legitimate wrestling legend 'Total Elimination' Eli Flair (real name Elijah Flurstein) and his wife Angel, frontwoman and lead singer of goth/industrial band Valerian's Garden. MJ was raised on the road until she started school, and even then, spent summers in a bus criscrossing the world with her parents. To that end, she is wiser than her years would suggest - she has traveled beyond her neighborhood and is aware of the planet at large.

With her pedigree, she is multi - talented and uses her talents to their fullest. She is an exceptionally skilled artist, specializing in drawing photorealistic portraits and landscapes with pencil/charcoal, and she is an excellent mimic when it comes to playing guitar: while she does not necessarily have the ability to write music, she can hear a song once and decently reproduce it.

Her desires, however, drew her to her father's profession, professional wrestling. She donned a mask and joined the United Toughness Alliance at the age of sixteen, and was promptly dumped into their feeder promotion, Valor Championship Wrestling. VCW iminently shut down and the roster was transitioned to the main UTA, and in the process, she won the VCW Championship in the company's last official match.

She entered the company under a mask, with the name 'The Second Coming' (later abbreviated to '2C') to protect her minor status and make sure that she would receive a fair shot on her own merit, and not be unfairly promoted or buried based on her father's career.

During the course of her nine months with WrestleUTA, MJF would win their tertiary title, the Wildfire Championship, the secondary title, the Legacy Championship, and the Tag Team championship - winning them as part of the All or Nothing match in 2015 with her nemesis La Flama Blanca. They would hold the belts for a record 188 days under the assumed name of 'Tag Team of the Damned,' before dropping them to Team Danger.

MJ would leave WrestleUTA after a road trip that ended with her closest friend, the only one who would know her secret, dying in a car accident as she drove to LaGuardia airport to pick her up after a show. MJ was unable to process her grief for several years, until she entered 'no brand wrestling' at the request of her UTA Friend Zhalia Fears for a few shows during which she took off her mask and revealed herself. She has not wrestled in over a year at this point but has retained her knowledge and has kept up her skills with her dad, her dad's manager the incomparable Ivy McGinnis, and the Marathon Man, 'Impulse' Randall Knox.

Now... she is trying her hand once again.

Entrance Theme: "Epidemic" by New Year's Day

Entrance Description: Varies nightly; she reads the crowd and adjusts to match. The beats she always hits are -

1) Walks out with her head down, wearing her wrestling gear (sportsbra or athletic top plus baggy cargo pants and combat boots underneath a hooded sweatshirt with a Pagan Crucifix on the back).

2) Does not slap hands unless in New York City.

3) Walks to the far corner of the ring and climbs the corner from the outside to the top turnbuckle and stares at the fans around her.

4) Drops down into the ring, acknowledges her opponent unless they have prior beef. If she enters first, she settles into the far corner and waits - unless otherwise stated she will allow her opponent to enter the ring unimpeded and (unless actively feuding) will show appropriate respect.

Title History/ Achievements:
WrestleUTA Legacy Champion x1
WrestleUTA Wildfire Champion x1
WrestleUTA World Tag Team Champion x1
Valor Championship Wrestling Champion x1

CWF - Championship Wrestling Federation, an e-fed proudly created by Justin Rishel.

Website created by Johnathan Rishel, with help from

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