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Birth Name: Lance LaRusso

Wrestling Name: Lance LaRusso

Nicknames: “The Pansexual Playboy”

Picture Base: Tyler Breeze

Date of Birth: June 19th, 1993

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 215lbs

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California

Now Resides: Los Angeles, California


Alignment: Neutral

Brief Character Overview:
Lance LaRusso has a base misunderstanding of what one could considered politically correct, which goes hand in hand with his apparent lack of a moral compass. Not the smartest, likely due to his constant drug use, Lance is likely the most offensive person you’ll ever meet, and he doesn’t even have the social tact to realize what he’s saying or doing is offensive. He’s simply here to win and find that next high he’s looking for.


Theme Music: ‘Mr. Wonderful’ - Smile.DK

Tendency to Cheat (Delete ALL that do NOT apply):
- [x] Often

Motivation to Compete (Delete ALL that do NOT apply):
- [x] Glory; they are obsessed with winning and will stop at nothing to avoid defeat.
- [x] Going for Gold; all they care about are title belts and winning them. They want to be the best.
- [x] Platform; they want fame and believe using fighting as a stepping stone is the way to go.

Finishing Moves
“Walk of Shame” - Spinning Hook Kick
“Mile High Club” - Double Rotation Moonsault
Trademark Moves (Minimum of 2)
“Orgasm Button” - Backflip Kick to his opponent’s jaw.
“Porn-Plex” - Crotch Crutch Suplex
“Pearl Necklace” - Muta Lock
“The Facial” - Wrist-lock pulled into a short-arm lariat.

Common Moves
Martial Arts Style Strikes
Various Springboard Moves
German Suplex
Leaping Neckbreaker
Standing Senton
Snap Suplex
Multiple DDT Variations
Suicide Dives
Most Diving Splashes and Strikes

In-Ring Strengths:
Surprisingly Resilient
Creative in the Ring
Versatile In-Ring Style

In-Ring Flaws:
Overly Cocky
Easily Distracted
Tries to show off and opens himself to a comeback

Biography: Lance LaRusso was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. With his father owning a large company, he’s always been sitting in the lap of luxury ever since he was born. This lax upbringing has lead to him being a pretty insufferable human being who is ignorant to how the world works. Never being told No as a child, Lance has indulged in just about every drug he could and his morals on sex are just as loose.
Though alongside his love for the finer things in life, LaRusso has always had a love for wrestling. Mainly coveting the cocky heels and their apparent stardom, Lance has used more than his share of his family’s money on personal trainers and instructors so that he can mold his drug filled body into something capable of going in the ring.

And after a few months on the indies, he found himself lucky to sign onto a much bigger federation, taking it as his chance to finally tour the world and party in every city he finds himself coming through. The only things he’s taking with him are his charm, good lucks, copious amounts of drugs, and of course, the only person willing to put up with him, longtime best friend Ashley “Ash” Hunter, a nerdy dude who acts as Lance’s impulse control.

CWF - Championship Wrestling Federation, an e-fed proudly created by Justin Rishel.

Website created by Johnathan Rishel, with help from

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