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Wrestler's Name: Harvey Danger


Alignment (Face/Heel/Neutral): Face


Gender: Male


Height & Weight: 5'10" 240lbs (Hey, we get softer with age)


Hometown: Long Island, New York


Wrestling Style: "Grounded" High Flyer (like ECW's Little Guido/Nunzio)


Entrance Music: "No Rain" by Blind Melon


Finishing Move & Description: "Danger DDT" (Swinging/Tornado DDT) or "The Danger Dive" (Shooting Star Press)


5 Signature Moves:
1. Exploding Lariat (JBL's Clothesline from Hell)
2. Single Leg Danger Crab (Single Leg Boston Crab)
3. Running Reverse Elbow
4. Franken-Danger (Franken-Steiner)
5. Diving Knee Drop


Wrestlers Gimmick/Biography/Pic Base:


Picture Base - Billy Kidman


Bio - Harvey Danger is probably the most unlucky guy you'll ever meet. He's uncomfortable around women, uncoordinated and clunky. He's even subject to random phone calls or appearances from his mother during his wrestling promos. But he's also the biggest, kindest sweetheart you'll ever meet. Harvey is a pathetic soul with a heart of gold that everyone just loves to hate. He still lives at home with his mother, Marie Danger, because in his words “he has to help take care of Mom.” One minute with Marie, however, you'll soon find out who the real brains of the operation is.


Old school to a fault, Harvey is a veteran of the squared circle participating in quite a few federations since 1996, but had been in "retirement" since 2013. He may have gotten a little soft in the middle, but with a little hard work and encouragement, he's slowly getting back into fighting shape to return to CWF in 2017 for one last run at glory.

CWF - Championship Wrestling Federation, an e-fed proudly created by Justin Rishel.

Website created by Johnathan Rishel, with help from

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