Birth Name: Ian Quinn
Wrestling Name: The Robot
The Cyborg
The Million Move/ Maneuver Machine
MCEA ( pronounced Mecha) aka Mortal Combat Entertainment Automaton /Android
Picture Base: Wrestling- Alpha 5
Josh Brener
Date of Birth: 1/2/1987
Height: 5 ft 9
Weight: 180 lbs
Place of Birth: Silicon Valley, South San Francisco
Now Resides: Travel via hotel.
Character Disposition:
He is a fan favorite because of his in ring acumen but he often struggles with his robo side's M.O.( mode of operation) of Justice through Judge, Jury, Executioner mindset) clashes with his very sweet and docile/ shy personality.
Brief Character Overview:
prodigal genius born with an IQ more than Stephen Hawking and Einstein combined who chose to be a wrestler despite his family's wishes.
He is a white-hat( basically good not evil) hacker.
Performance Information:
Theme Music: - artist-Anamanaguchi
song-Jetpack Blues Sunset Hueshttps://youtu.be/N7bIMrNjMk8
Tendency to Cheat (Delete ALL that do NOT apply):
- [x] Always
Motivation to Compete (Delete ALL that do NOT apply):
- [x] Passion; they love wrestling and don't care about winning or losing, just fighting.
- [x] respect/recognition; respect from veterans and legends.
- [x] Justice
[OPTIONAL] Favorite Weapon:
Taser gun
Finishing Moves
1. Fall away Moonsault Slam- running/rebounding opponent) + running or standing corkscrew shooting star press to prone opponent.
2. Pumphandle Gut buster( AJ Styles, Tyson Kidd) + Hammerlock Breaker( Pentagon Jr.)
Trademark Moves (Minimum of 2)
1. Fireman's carry/somoan drop position maneuvers-
roundhouse kick( Ricochet)
GTS( CM Punk, Hideo Itami)
rolling senton( Sheamus, standing and super/avalanche variant)
cartwheel Death Valley driver( Velveteen Dream and Kalisto)
single knee neck breaker( Tye Dillinger, Shinsuke Nakamura, AJ Styles)
2. Swinging fisherman suplex( Perry Saturn, Tyson Kidd, Masato Yoshino, Paige, Elias Sampson)
Common Moves
1. suplex variants
2. brain buster variants
3. DDT variants
4. Face buster Variants
5. Jaw Breaker variants
6. neck breaker variants
7. arm drag, arm wringer and hip toss variants( pro wrestling, catch wrestling and martial arts)
8. STO variants( martial arts)
9. Spine Buster variants
10. Powerbomb variants
11. Hurricanrana, frankensteiner and headscissors takedown variants
12. arm and shoulder breaker variants
13. leg and knee breaker variants
14. digit manipulation
15. Russian leg sweep variants
16. European uppercut variants( standing, corner running strike, springboard, diving middle turnbuckle rope, diving top turnbuckle)
17. super kick variants
18. lariat/ closeline variants
19. strikes and strike variants( various combat styles, pro wrestling)
20. pumphandle variants
In-Ring Strengths-
incredible in ring acumen
various styles of combat and pro wrestling
In-Ring Flaws:
his human side is very friendly and good natured but his robo side is a literal killing machine
Bio :
Born January 2nd in 1987 with an IQ higher than Stephen Hawking and Einstein, destined to be one of the world's top brilliant minds but after graduating college at 10 years old he pursued pro wrestling and became pro at 13( like TJ Perkins) on his birthday in the year 2000, now almost 18 years pro.